Monday, October 27, 2008

The first 24 hours

We didnt get to see Gavin for two hours. They were the longest two hours of my life. We finally got to go see him right before they transferred him. He was so beautiful, tears filled my eyes to see this wonderful miracle. He was on the ventilator at that time, he had a tube in his nose that emptied his stomach, he had multiple IV's, and had lines in his umblical cord. My arms ached to hold him, I just wanted to pick him up tell him how much he meant to us and that every thing would be okay. We only saw him for a few minutes before life flight took him to primarys. That night was scary they really couldnt tell us much, all we could do was stand by his bed and pray for him. It is the worst thing to be a parent and not to be able to help your child, I felt so helpless all I wanted to do was to trade places with him.


Christine said...

Oh, Heidi, this blog is so sweet. It's making me cry. You were so cute when you were pregnant with Gavin. That was such a crazy time. I'm glad he's doing so well.

Unknown said...

I am reading your blog to Brayden and Nathan and it is making me cry. Just to relive what you guys had to go through is so emotional. I am so happy that everything is going so good for Gavin and I love that you shared your story. Love you guys!